To share family names with your ward and stake, simply share them with the temple. Ordinances Ready automatically distributes them to members of your ward or stake who have no family member names available to them. You receive a FamilySearch notification, as usual, when the ordinances are done and recorded.
Note: This feature works the same for branches, districts, and missions as it does for wards and stakes. Ordinances Ready distributes the names to members of your branch, stake, district, or mission.
Do I need to join or create ward and stake groups?
No. Ward and stake sharing is done automat- ically based on the unit where your Church membership record was at the time you share the ordinances.
Is there a separate process for sharing names with my ward and stake?
No. All you need to do is share the names with the temple. Ordinances Ready can distribute them to members of your ward or stake who have no family member names available to them.
Do I need to specifically request names from my ward or stake?
No. In Ordinances Ready, simply choose the ordinance you would like to do. If no other family names are available to you, Ordinances Ready automatically gives you names shared by members of your ward or stake.
What if I move?
Ordinances Ready distributes the ordinances to the ward and stake where your Church membership record was assigned when you shared the ordinances with the temple.
If you move, the ordinances remain shared with the temple. However, Ordinances Ready distributes them to the ward and stake where you were living when you originally shared them.
You can have your new ward and stake do the ordinances instead by doing the following:
- Wait until your membership record is trans- ferred to your new ward or branch.
- Unshare the ordinances. (You can unshare the names if your reserved list contains fewer than 300 names.)
- Share them with the temple again.
- WheredoesOrdinancesReadydistribute names I shared before ward and stake shar- ing was available? Ordinances Ready distributes the names to the ward or stake where you were living on when this feature was released in April 2022.
Sharing Ordinances Cheat Sheet
Feature | Shared with the temple | Shared with someone else by email or messaging | Shared with a family group | Shared by giving physical cards to others |
You can see the shared ordinances on your reservation list. | Yes | Yes until they are accespted by the person. | Yes | Yes |
The reservations expire.* | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Who does the ordinances. | Temple patrons who do not bring their own family name cards. | Relatives who see the ordinances in Family | Tree and want to do them. | People who use Ordinances Ready. |
The person you sent the ordinances to. | Group members | The person you gave the card to. | ||
Ordinances Ready helps other relatives find the name. | Yes | No | Yes: Group members only | Yes |
Relatives can see and reserve the ordinances in Family Tree. | Yes | No | Yes: Group members only | No |
You receive a notification when ordinances are completed. | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Your completed ordi- nances list contains the information. | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Names count toward your reservation limit. | No | Yes until they are accepted by the person. | Yes | Yes |
Ordinances Ready can distribute the names to your ward and stake. | Yes | No | No | No |