Teaching Family History

How to Share Information Between FamilySearch and Ancestry

July 8, 2023 ·Updated July 8, 2023
  1. In Ancestry look for the FamilySearch tree icon. If connected it will provide a dropdown menu.

  1. Clicking on the FS Tree will give you a dropdown menu. Click on Compare person on FamilySearch.

  1. If not Connected, Click on the FamilySearch Tree and Select a match, then Connect Person or Add to FamilySearch.

  1. When comparing people clicking in a box will bring over the source to either tree.

  1. To add up to 4 generations to your Ancestry tree, go to the last person in the tree.

  1. Click on their Profile page, click on the FamilySearch Tree, select from the dropdown “Add Relatives from FamilySearch”.

  1. Click on Add up to four generations for this person. Or Add an immediate family member one member at a time.